With more than 350 customers around the world, the client enables organizations to analyse, move, manage, and modernize client’s data anywhere in the globe
- Lack of formal testing capabilities
- Ability to maintain consistent standards is missing
- Problems with team integration
- Issues of cost reductions
- Different technologies have been used to develop
A Hybrid approach for building an automation framework which increase effectiveness, efficiency & coverage of the current software testing process by demonstrating the following capabilities
- Modular – code is maintained in separate layers – Data layer, Object layer, Conguration layer, Script layer, and Report layer
- Scalable – Use of Page Object Model ensures scalability, wherein the object methods are kept separately from the object repository. Any future additions need be added to the respective les, without impacting the existing code
- Reusable – The framework provides separate modules for common actions, common methods, object methods, etc. enabling the user to reuse the methods wherever required
- Adaptable – Keeping in mind the client’s future plans, cucumber framework along with typescript was used for scripting for both Windows and web UIs, to address the change in technology
Benefits Delivered
- Designing and implementation of QA process
- Designing the Automation Framework
- Ensuring the Automation is scalable and requires minimum maintenance
- Ensuring the Framework suits the foreseeable development plans
- Creating the Object Repository